
NBC is committed to treating employees with respect and fairness. NBC actively strives to maintain a work environment free from any form of discrimination and harassment.


We take a long-term view toward our relationships with customers and suppliers with an aim to realise an amicable relationship of mutual prosperity based on fair business practices and mutual trust.

Ethical Sourcing

We  reject any supplier who engages in unlawful practices or violation of employee or human rights, working outside of OH&S regulations, discrimination against individuals or groups on the grounds of race, gender, age, nationality, or religious belief. We do not support animal testing. Our raw material purchases will be certified cruelty free.

Supporting Cultural Diversity

NBC supports cultural diversity as is proud of our multicultural workplace. We respect the rights of individuals from all ethnic and religious backgrounds to freely express themselves without detriment to others and with mutual respect for all.

Non-Exploitation of Minors

NBC actively manages to avoid any exploitation of minors both within our business and throughout our supply chain. NBC’s policies and supply agreements ensure that our ethical and integrity standards and shared by our partners.

Fair Competition Based on an Open Door Policy

We select our business partners based on the value they can bring to our business. Expertise, creativity, quality, total cost, delivery performance and location are all considered in our sourcing decisions. 

Business Based on Good Corporate Citizenship

We support to the community and source where possible from local suppliers to contribute to the local community.


All procurement transactions shall be conducted in a manner to provide, to the maximum extent practical, open and free competition. NBC monitors potential conflicts of interest as well as non-competitive practices among suppliers that may restrict or eliminate competition or otherwise restrain trade.